All Faculty

Photo: Susannah Abbey

Susannah Abbey

Lecturer II

  • Landscape
Photo: Geoffrey C. Adams

Geoffrey C. Adams

Professor Emeritus

  • Architecture
Photo: Sarah Aziz

Sarah Aziz

Assistant Professor

  • Architecture
Photo: Tamarah Begay

Tamarah Begay

Lecturer II

  • Architecture
Photo: Katherine Boles

Katherine Boles

Visiting Assistant Professor

  • Architecture
  • Landscape
Photo: Charlene Brown

Charlene Brown

Lecturer II

  • Landscape
Photo: Stephanie Bunt

Stephanie Bunt

Assistant Professor

  • Architecture
Photo: Tim B. Castillo

Tim B. Castillo


  • Architecture
Photo: Chris Cornelius

Chris Cornelius

Professor and Chair

  • Architecture
Photo: Katya Crawford

Katya Crawford

Professor and Chair

  • Landscape
Photo: Renia Ehrenfeucht

Renia Ehrenfeucht


  • CRP
Photo: Anthony Fettes

Anthony Fettes

Assistant Professor

  • Landscape
Photo: Gabriel Fries-Briggs

Gabriel Fries-Briggs

Assistant Professor

  • Architecture
Photo: Moises Gonzales

Moises Gonzales

Professor and Chair

  • CRP
Photo: Jeremiah Gwin

Jeremiah Gwin

Lecturer II

  • Landscape
Photo: Liane Hancock

Liane Hancock

Assistant Professor

  • SAAP
  • Architecture
Photo: Mark Harberts

Mark Harberts

Lecturer II

  • Architecture
Photo: Catherine Harris

Catherine Harris

Associate Professor

  • Landscape
Photo: Matthew Higgins

Matthew Higgins

Lecturer II

  • Architecture
Photo: Tess Houle

Tess Houle

Lecturer II

  • Landscape
Photo: Elspeth Iralu

Elspeth Iralu

Assistant Professor

  • CRP
Photo: Claudia B. Isaac

Claudia B. Isaac

Professor Emeritus

  • CRP
Photo: Jordan O. James

Jordan O. James

Lecturer II

  • CRP
Photo: Theodore S. Jojola

Theodore S. Jojola

Professor Emeritus

  • CRP
Photo: Kathleen Kambic

Kathleen Kambic

Associate Professor

  • Landscape
Photo: Karen J. King

Karen J. King

Principal Lecturer

  • Architecture
Photo: Alyssa Kreikemeier

Alyssa Kreikemeier

Postdoctoral Fellow

  • Landscape
Photo: Albert José-Antonio  López

Albert José-Antonio  López

Assistant Professor

  • Architecture
Photo: Efthimios Maniatis

Efthimios Maniatis

Lecturer II

  • Architecture
Photo: Maceo Martinet

Maceo Martinet

Lecturer II

  • CRP
Photo: Arturo Merino

Arturo Merino

Lecturer II

  • Landscape
Photo: Greg Miller

Greg Miller

Lecturer II

  • Landscape
Photo: Steven Moffson

Steven Moffson

Lecturer II

  • Landscape
Photo: Baker H. Morrow

Baker H. Morrow

Professor of Practice

  • Landscape
Photo: joni m. palmer

joni m. palmer

Lecturer II

  • CRP
Photo: Jeff Pappas

Jeff Pappas


  • Landscape
Photo: Alfons Poblocki

Alfons Poblocki

Lecturer II

  • Architecture
Photo: Michaele Pride

Michaele Pride


  • Architecture
Photo: Alaa Quraishi

Alaa Quraishi

Lecturer II

  • Architecture
Photo: Tina Ruiz

Tina Ruiz


  • CRP
Photo: Caroline Scruggs

Caroline Scruggs


  • CRP
Photo: Alf Simon

Alf Simon

Professor Emeritus

  • Landscape
Photo: Amber Straquadine

Amber Straquadine

Lecturer II

  • Architecture
Photo: Lani Tsinnajinnie

Lani Tsinnajinnie

Assistant Professor

  • CRP
Photo: Jennifer Tucker

Jennifer Tucker

Associate Professor

  • CRP
Photo: Francisco Uviña-Contreras

Francisco Uviña-Contreras

Assistant Professor

  • Landscape
Photo: Thomas Vliet

Thomas Vliet

Lecturer II

  • Architecture
Photo: Kima Wakefield

Kima Wakefield

Principal Lecturer

  • Architecture
Photo: Alex Webb

Alex Webb

Associate Professor

  • Architecture
Photo: Nora Wendl

Nora Wendl

Associate Professor

  • Architecture
Photo: Christine Williams

Christine Williams

Lecturer II

  • Architecture
Photo: Chris Wilson

Chris Wilson

Professor Emeritus

  • Landscape
Photo: Kristina Yu

Kristina Yu


  • Architecture

Emeriti Faculty

  • Edith Cherry
  • Mark Childs
  • Teresa L. Cordova
  • Stephen Dent
  • David S. Henkel
  • Geraldine Forbes Isais
  • Min Kantrowitz
  • Christopher Mead
  • Richard S. Nordhaus
  • Andy Pressman
  • Ric Richardson
  • Jose A. Rivera
  • Roger Schluntz
  • William J. Siembieda
  • Alf Simon
  • Anne P. Taylor
  • Chris Wilson
  • Gabriella Gutierrez

Faculty Recognition

Tim B. Castillo

Associate Dean for Student Engagement + Academic Innovation and Architecture Professor Tim B. Castillo published "Emergent Technologies: Their Evolution and Limiations within the Fields of Cultural Preservation and Interpretation," co-authored with Adriane Zacmanidis. Professor Castillo presented the paper at  A Century of Design in the Parks: Preserving the Built Environment in National and State Parks, National Center for Preservation Technology Symposium. 

Professor Castillo presented at the 2017 American Planning Association, New Mexico Chapter Annual Conference, and at the 2017 Ed Tech Summit in July 2017 in Silver City, New Mexico..

Additionally, Professor Castillo received research funding from the American Planning Association for the documentary, "New Mexico Design of the Everyday," as well as from the UNM Center for Regional Studies for the project, "Cultural Mobile Kiosk: Connecting Rural Communities to Emergent Technology."

Mark C. Childs

Associate Dean for Research and Architecture Professor, Mark Childs was recently awarded the State of New Mexico Preservation Award for his book, The Zeon Files: Art and Design of Historic Route 66 Signs with Ellen Babcock.

Professor Childs also served as a reviewer for the journals, Urban Planning, and  Journal of Urbanism. Professor Childs also submitted a completed manuscript to UNM Press for Imagine a City That Remembers: The Albuquerque Rephotography Project.

Imagine a city that remembers, Anthony Anella and Mark C. Childs (UNM Press) will be available in November.

My poem “Tin-Head Soliloquy” was awarded second place for a short poem in the Science Fiction Poetry Association’s competition.  See

Katya Crawford

Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture, Katya Crawford, developed two exhibitions in Fall 2017. The first was "Anamnesis" at the Rainosek Gallery, UNM School of Architecture + Planning. The second exhibition was "Missing Person's Project," a group exhibition at the Harwood Art Center in Albuquerque, New Mexico. 

Additionally, Professor Crawford participated on the 2017 ASLA Panel, "Radical Landscapes: Fundamental Nature Activated Anew," along with Beverly Fisher, Christy Green, and Andrea Polli in Los Angeles, California. Professor Crawford also participated in the 2017 ACSA Interdisciplinary Session along with Lisa Finley, Gregory Marinic, Alison Snyder, and Michael Pride in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Associate Professor Crawford also was an invited guest critic for final reviews at the Fay Jones School of Architecture and Design UARK.

Moises Gonzales

CRP Associate professor, Moises Gonzales, was featured on the French national syndicated program, SITES ARTE TV on June 17, 2017 for his presentation, “Chimayo, l’héritage espagnol du Nouveau-Mexique”,  on the vernacular urban design of Plaza del Cerro, Chimayo NM. 

Associate Professor Gonzales presented his paper, "Strategies for Preservation of Vernacular Urban Design Principles and Cultural Landscape in New Mexico" at the international symposium, PATRIMONIO CULTURAL: Agua, Sistemas Alimentos Y Patrimonio Cultural in Zacatecas, Mexico, June 24, 2017.

Ane Gonzalez Lara

Assistant Professor of Architecture, Ane Gonzalez Lara, received the AIDA Albuquerque Design Award in the Unbuilt Category for her project, Stitch Narvik.

Assistant Professor Gonzalez Lara was also awarded as one of Albuquerque Business First's 2018 Women of Influence, alongside many other UNM Faculty + Staff members.

Catherine Harris

Assistant Professor of Landscape Architecture, Catherine Harris recieved two grants during the Fall 2017 Semester. The first grant was from the Office of Vice President of Research for Community Planning for the Diné of Red Water Pond Road Community. The second grant was provided by the Indian Land Tenure Foundation for Community Planning for the Red Water Pond Road (RWPR) Community.

Claudia B. Isaac

Associate Professor of Community + Regional Planning, Claudia Isaac, published a Professional Report entitled, "People of the Land: Evaluation of AFSC-NM Programming from 2009-2016," in Spetember of 2017 with Charla Henley, for the American Friends Service Committee Western Regional Office.

Associate Professor Isaac also presented, "Participatory Empowerment Evaluation in the Service of Social Justice" at the Evaluators Association Annual Conference, Albuquerque on September 2, 2017. Professor Issac also participated in the panel presentation, "Workforce Housing Trust Fund: How Does Albuquerque Do It?" with Debbie O'Malley, Bernalillo County Commissioner, and Rebecce Velarde, Albuquerque Family and Community Services, at the Santa Fe Chamber of Commerce and Santa Fe Homebuilder's Association Meeting in October of 2017.

Kathy Kambic

Assistant Professor of Landscape Architecture, Kathleen Kambic, presented a conference poster at the University Council on Water Resources in June 2017. Professor Kambic also presented a paper at the Nordic Geographers Meeting in June 2017.

Additionally, Assistant Professor Kambic's student Sam Fantaye was the 2018 winner of the Better Philadeplphia Challenge with his project SMART WEAVE, developed within Kambic's Studio. 

Roger Schluntz

Architecture Professor, Roger Schluntz, FAIA, has been recently appointed by the American Institute of Architects to a three-year term with the International Competitions Commission (ICC), one of four different commissions of the International Union of Architects (UIA) that address specific issues facing the architecture profession globally.  

Schluntz is one of two architects representing North and South America - Region III of the UIA. The ICC partners with UNESCO to establish the UNESCO-UIA regulations and procedures for international design competitions. The UIA is the sole body mandated by UNESCO to provide oversight of the competition rules, as well as to safeguard the rights and obligations of both competition sponsors and design entrants. The UIA has sought to advance the quality of design with approved open and invited international competitions since 1956. Iconic designs realized through the UIA’s competitions oversight include the well-known Sydney Opera House, Pompidou Centre in Paris, Tokyo International Forum, and the Bibliotheca Alexandria in Egypt.

Professor Schluntz also served as the Jury Chair for the AIDA 2018 Honor Awards for Urban Planning and Design, a program sponsored annually by the American Institute of Architects. Recipients and their projects will be celebrated in New York City during the AIDA National Conference in June.

The American Institute of Architects / New Mexico (AIDA NM) conferred its highest honor for an individual member in December to Prof. Roger Schluntz, FAIA, with the Silver Medal for Lifetime Achievement at its annual meeting in December.  Schluntz received Fellowship in the AIDA in 1995, and served as the dean of the UNM School of Architecture and Planning from 1999 to 2011. Earlier in the year Prof. Schluntz was recognized by the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture as an ACSA Distinguished Professor, one of five faculty members in the US and Canada who were so designated.  Only 55 individuals in all schools of architecture have been recognized with this distinction since the origin of the award thirty years ago.

Caroline Scruggs

Assistant Professor of Community + Regional Planning, Caroline Scruggs, published three peer-reviewed artciles in Fall of 2017. The first, "The Costs of Direct and Indirect Potable Water Reuse in a Medium-sized Arid Inland Community" was published in the Journal of Water Process Engineering with J.G. Herman and B.M. Thomson. The second article, entitled, "Opportunities and Challenges for Direct Potable Water Reuse in Arid Inland Communities," was published in the Journal of Water Resources Planningand Management, and co-authoredwith B.M. Thomson. Professor Scrugg's third article was "Survey Design on Potable Water Reuse: Lessons Learned from Focus Groups in Albuquerque, New Mexico, " and was presented at the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) Annual Conference with L. Distler in October 2017.

Assistant Professor Scruggs was an invited speaker on the Resilience of Water Infrastructure Panel at the UNM 2017 Resilience Colloquium, Urban Resilience: Research Gaps and Implementation Roadmap in August 2017. Professor Scruggs was also an invited speaker on the Public Engagement and Potable Reuse panel at the American Water Works Association's 2018 International Symposium on Potable Resuse in Austin Texas, January 2018.

Additionally, Professor Scruggs was featured as part of "Meet the Researcher" in the January 2018 edition of the New Mexico Water Resourced Research Institute's New MExico Water eNews. Scruggs also received the 2018 Best Policy Paper Award for the Environmental + Water Resources Institute (EWRI) for the paper, entitled, "Opportunities and Challenges for Direct Potable Water Reuse in Arid Inland Communities," written with B.M. Thomson in the Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management

Francisco Uvina

Professor Francisco Uviña presented a paper titled, "The Conservation of Historic Buildings in the Southwest US," and coordinated the workshop, "Selection of soils for the use of architecture earthen technologies and the adobe manufacturing," at the International Seminar on the Conservation of the Historic Earthen and Lime Built Heritage in San Cristobal de Las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico.

Professor Uviña participated on the panel, "Arquidialogos (Archidialogues): Historic preservation and the treatment of earthen historic structures in the US," alongside Dr. Luis Fernando Guerrero Baca (representing Mexico), and Dr. Javier Quiñones Guzman (representing Guatemala).

Additionally, Professor Uviña facilitated a workshop with Rio Grande High School students, entitled, :Designing and Buidling of a Solar Oven." In this project, Professor Uviña taught the students how to make adobe bricks to build their ovens. He also presentaed a short lecture on the history of Earthen Architecture. This workshop was sponsored and organized by Maceo Carrillo Martinet, PhD, Ecologist /Educator Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and Jon Wright with the Querencia Institute at Rio Grande High School

Professor Uviña also served as a presented and moderator for the International Symposium, Water, Food Systems and Cultural Heritage  in Zacatecas, Zac., Mexico. Invitation was to focus on the Camino Real de Tierra Adentro, cultural ties and future collaborations.

Alex Webb

Assistant Professor of Emergent Technology, Alexander Webb, will publish "Self-Assembled, Self-Fulfilled and Self-Aware: Spatial Design for a Post-Anthropic Post-Species," edited by Peter Flueckiger and Victoria McReynolds, as part of Crossings Between the Proximate and Remote, Proceedings of the 2017 Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) fall meeting. Assistant Professor Webb also published, "Digital Snowballs," in Issue 15 of CLOGS x Guns. 

Additionally, Professor Webb served as an alternate in the 2018 Scientific Delirium Madness Djerassi Resident Artists Program.

Nora Wendl

Associate Professor of Architecture, Nora Wendle was invited as a visiting critic for reviews at Kent State University College of Architecture and Environmental Design in December 2017. 

Associate Professor Wendl's exhibition I Listened for the Echoes of Your Voice is on view at Central Features Contemporary Art Venture Room (Albuquerque, New Mexico) from January 27 - March 10, 2018. The exhibition is supported by a UNM SA+P Associate Dean for Research Support Funds Grant. This exhibition was featured in an article on Associate Professor Nora Wendl's work in the Weekly Alibi  article, "Windows Across Time," by Maggie Grimason, January 31, 2018. This exhibition was also featured in an online interview with Kathryn M Davis for Santa Fe ArtBeat, January 19, 2018.

Additionally, Associate Professor Wendl was awarded a Research Allocation Committee Grant for the design and production of a traveling exhibition focusing on her engagement with the archive of the Dr. Edith Farnsworth House (Mies van der Rohe, Plano, Illinois, 1951). The exhibition is entitled Edith: An Architectural History, and will launch in Spring 2019.