Tim B. Castillo
timc@unm.edu / 505-277-6470
- M.Arch., Columbia University
- B.A.A., University of New Mexico
- Emergent Technology
- Virtual Reality
- Digital Fabrication
- Design Thinking
- Rural Communities
Tim B. Castillo is a Professor of Architecture at the School of Architecture and Planning at the University of New Mexico. Professor Castillo is currently the Director of Community Engagement Initiatives at UNM and also the Director of Historical Preservation and Regionalism. Professor Castillo has held several leadership roles including Associate Dean at the School of Architecture (2016-2019) and the Director of the Art, Research, Technology and Science Laboratory (2008-2016) an interdisciplinary digital media laboratory at the university.
While at the University of New Mexico Professor Castillo has been pursuing new pedagogies that explore applications related to emerging digital technologies and innovation. His architectural studios and seminars continue to investigate new progressive strategies for design that are defined by culture, digital media and emergent fabrication processes. In the summer of 2015, he co-founded the Finding Rural/Plata Studio design program. The program was established as a partnership between several higher education institutions and community partners across the state and region to explore how architecture and design play a role in economic development.
Professor Castillo’s work has been published and exhibited nationally and internationally in various locations including the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (Spain), Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland), Pavillon de l’Arsenal (France), Bienal of Sao Paulo (Brazil), as well as many domestic venues.
ARCH 251 - Design Thinking (Spring 2017/18)
ARCH 601 - Graduate Design Studio, Finding Rural/Plata Studio (Fall 2021/22)
ARCH 502 - Graduate Design Studio, Finding Rural/Plata Studio (Spring 2022)
ARCH 651 - Emergent Technologies for Designers (Spring 2023)
National Science Foundation
Collaborative Research: FW-HTF-RM: Expanding Rural Ceramics Craft through Computational Fabrication
Co-Principal Investigator, 2020-2024
Build Back Better Network
Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce
Principal Investigator, 2022z
Grant County
Veterans Memorial Study
Principal Investigator,2020
Air Force Research Lab
[in collaboration with New Mexico Tech University] Mobile Makers Lab Design & Fabrication Study,
Principal Investigator, 2018
City of Deming, New Mexico
Incubator Building Study
Principal Investigator, 2018
Western New Mexico University
Branch Campus Study
Principal Investigator, 2018
Town of Silver City
Master Park Plan & Municipal Building Study
Principal Investigator, 2018
The United States Department of the Interior and the National Park Service Preservation
Technology and Training Grants Emergent Tools :: Augmented Reality in Parks
Co-Principal Investigator, 2018
National Endowment for the Arts
Village of Los Lunas :: Route 66 museum study
Co-Principal Investigator, 2018
The United States Department of the Interior and the National Park Service
Lees Ferry Typology Study
Co-Principal Investigator, 2018
American Planning Association
Documentary, "New Mexico Design of the Everyday," as well as from the UNM Center for Regional Studies for the project, "Cultural Mobile Kiosk: Connecting Rural Communities to Emergent Technology."
Principal Investigator, 2016
The United States Department of the Interior and the National Park Service
Geospatial + Temporal Visualization Tools for the National Park Service Cultural Landscapes Training and Education
Principal Investigator, 2016
UNM Center for Regional Studies
Funding Program Virtual New Mexico Project
Principal Investigator, 2016
McCune Foundation
Rural Community Economic Development: Phase I
Co-Principal Investigator, 2015
UNM Center for Regional Studies
Research Funding Program Acequia Heritage Project
Co-Principal Investigator, 2015
National Endowment for the Arts
Dome Poems: Memory + Emergence
Principal Investigator, 2012
USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSI) Education Grants Program Interactive Learning Assessment System (ILAS)
Senior Investigator, 2012
"Emerging Technologies: Their Evolution and Limitations within the Fields of Cultural Preservation and Interpretation"
Co-Authored Adriane Zacmanidis
A Century of Design in the Parks Preserving the Built Environment in National and State Parks National Center for Preservation Technology Symposium 2016 (2017, p. 320-327)
"Hybrid Practice: Expanding the Discipline of Architecture," Co-Authored Matt Gines 104st Annual Meeting – Shaping New Knowledges Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) Paper Proceedings, March 17-19, 2016 Seattle, WA (2016, p.24-29), 2016
"Hyper-Media Wall" Co-Authored Matt Gines 104st Annual Meeting Shaping New Knowledges Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) Project Proceedings March 17-19, 2016 Seattle, WA (p. 79-80), 2016
"Interactive Learning Assessments" Svihla, V., Yakes, E., Castillo, T., Cantarero, A., Valdez, I., & Dominguez, N. Hertel, J. Paper presented at the 2013 FNCE Innovations in Dietetics Practice and Education, Houston, TX, 2013
"Del Ojo al Embudo; a Digital Spatial/Cultural Cartographic Archive," Co-Authored Geraldine Forbes Isais The Second Latin American Architecture Symposium Tulane University, School of Architecture Atrium Press, University of Houston (2013, p.24-29), 2013
"Cultural Cartographic Archive: empowering communities through archi-digital technology," Co-Authored Geraldine Forbes Isais Architectural Research Centers Consortium Lawrence Technological University (2011, p.419-425), 2011
Chapters in Books
2021 Community Design: Interactions in a Virtual Studio chapter in Effective Design Critique Strategies Across Disciplines University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, M, Digital Publication
"Border Fluidity: Emergence on the New Frontier" chapter in Fluctuating Borders: Speculations about Memory and Emergence, Co-Authored - Troy Lovata Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, [RMIT] Publishing (p. 44-53), 2008
"Action Makes Place: A Proposed Low Rider Museum and the Boundaries of Culture" chapter in South, Volume 1 Co-Authored Troy Lovata Clemson University Press, Clemson, South Carolina (2006, p.132-141), 2006
“Digital Fabrication through Manufacture Technologies” chapter in Architecture 101: A Guide to the Design Studio by Andy Pressman, McGraw-Hill, New York (2006, p.313-317), 2006
2020 Maker Lab Express, George Pearl Gallery-University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM
January 21-February 21, 2020
2018 SALT: the sublime of New Mexico (collaboration with Katya Crawford, John-Mark Collins & Alex Webb), Currents New Media 2018 Santa Fe, NM, June 3-8, 2018
#mi vida de diseno, George Pearl Gallery-University of New Mexico, NM, June 18 – July7, 2018
Virtual New Mexico Project & Memory + Emergence American Institute of Architecture State Conference, Albuquerque, NM, August 23, 2015
Memory + Emergence Currents New Media 2015, Santa Fe, NM, June 12 – 28, 2015
516 ARTS - “From the Ground up: Design Here + Now” Albuquerque, NM, January 31 – April 11, 2015
Off-Paseo, Taos, NM Taos Arts Festival, September 24, 2014
George Pearl Gallery-University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM, September, 22 – October 30, 2014
516 ARTS -Digital Latin America Symposium Mesa del Sol, Albuquerque, NM Albuquerque, NM, August 30, 2014
Old Town Plaza, Albuquerque, NM City of Albuquerque Summer Series June 21, 2014
Knowledge Tower Digital Tower Exhibit Novel Displays, Digital Project Knowledge Tower, Culver City, CA March 18 – 19, 2014
Hex•Dex Research and Design Projects 101st Annual Meeting of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) California College of the Arts, March 21 – 24, 2013 San Francisco, CA
505 | Cinco Cero Cinco Exhibit Arts League of Michigan Virgil Carr Center Detroit, Michigan, April 13 – June 30, 2012
American Institute of Architects-Albuquerque Merit Award, AFRL Mobile Makers Lab, 2019
Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts LoboScape, Silver Award, *Peer reviewed, 2016
International Digital Media Arts Association [IDMAa], ARTS Digital Media Lab, University of New Mexico *Peer reviewed, 2013
Selected by ACSA/AIAS New Faculty Teaching of the Year Award, to recognize demonstrated excellence in teaching performance during the formative years of an architectural teaching career.*Peer reviewed, 2007
Selected Finalist for International Self-Suffcient Housing Competition sponsored Institute for Advance Architecture of Catalona. *Peer reviewed, 2005
Awarded “Honorable Mention” for Groupe-e2 international competition. Paris, France *Peer reviewed competition, 2002
Opportunity Defined, UNM front-page and Albuquerque Journal, November, 2022
UNM students assist with new rec center plans, Silver City Daily Press, Silver City, New Mexico, September 16, 2021
UNM Website, Mobile lab brings high-tech opportunities to rural communities *home page, Albuquerque, NM, September 10, 2019- November 21, 2019
Silver City Daily Press, Central parks would expand under town plan *front page, Silver City, New Mexico, July 19, 2019
UNM Website, Tim Castillo named UNM Special Advisor to the Provost for Santa Fe Initiatives, Albuquerque, NM, January 10, 2019
UNM Architecture Students help Deming Redesign their Town Evening News, Channel 4, KOB, Albuquerque, NM, December 13, 2018
UNM Website, UNM partnership revitalizes rural communities, Albuquerque, NM, December 8, 2018
Deming Headlight News, University students help city with revitalization projects on west end of town, Deming, NM, September 28, 2018
LoboScape, Evening News Channel 7 KOAT June 2015
LoboScape, Evening News Channel 4 KOB June 2015
Silver City Daily Press, "Architecture students study Silver City," Silver City, New Mexico, *front page, November 6, 2015,
Silver City Sun News, "Plata Silver Studio presents findings," Silver City, New Mexico, July 1, 2015
Silver City Daily Press, "Plata Studio: architecture studio in Silver City," Silver City, New Mexico, June 8, 2015
LoboScape, Albuquerque Journal, June 20, 2015
Loboscape, Daily Lobo, Albuquerque, New Mexico, June 20, 2015
LoboScape, UNM website Front Page, June - December 31, 2015
Loboscape, Southwest Airlines Magazine, July Issue - 2015
Biz Journal, ARTS Lab Innovation, New Mexico Business Weekly, March 23, 2014
UNM website Front Page, "ARTS Lab Receives International Award for Innovation," Albuquerque, New Mexico, October 1, 2013
Daily Lobo, "ARTS Lab Receives International Award," Albuquerque, New mexico, October 1, 2013