SA+P Student Culture

What is your favorite part of UNM SA+P?
Sneha Murali, M. Arch
“The student teacher relationship in this school is not very formal, it’s more like, ‘hey you can approach me anytime you want with whatever it is you need to.” There’s no rigid barrier, which is really important, especially at a graduate level when you’re struggling with so many other things. Another thing is that there is sort of a freedom in this school in terms of pushing boundaries, there aren’t just certain boundaries that are being imposed. Also, because the setting is Albuquerque, life is sort of laid back, so it’s more comfortable. These are the first things that come to my mind.”
Tiffany Justice, CRP
“I think that the School of Architecture and Planning offers a really innovative and collaborative environment with the tools necessary to utilize the schools that we learn.”
Damian Garduño, BAA
“I think that the School of Arch and Planning offers a really innovative and collaborative environment with the tools necessary to utilize the schools that we learn.”
Evan Berger, M.Arch
“My favorite thing about SA+P has to be not only the Faculty and Staff who are incredible, but also the energy that the building itself brings to the studio when it is in session. It’s like nothing else that you’ll see on this campus.”
Ginaveve Pepin, CRP
“I like the fact that there are a bunch of diverse people here. Even though there are Architecture Students, CRP Students, and Landscape Architecture Students, each person you meet knows each other because we’re all in the same little hub, but everyone is their own person with their own personality, and their own unique experiences."
Shreya Bhaskare, BAA
“What I like most about this school is that there are lots of different opportunities to try different fields and design thinking. There are a lot of great resources, such as the FabLab where we can learn how to do things that we normally would not have learned. I also like how everyone just pushes each other to be more creative in every aspect.”
Aashish Khandelwal, M.Arch
“I like the environment, the building, and the faculty – they are awesome.”
Wesley Eccles, BAA
“My favorite part of this program is the fact that we can all collaborate with each other, and work on independent projects as well as with each other. We can get a whole group of people to work on one project, and everyone has different skills and attributes. For example, we’re working on a project with LOBOthon and we have somebody who is really good at graphic design, someone who’s good at building, someone who’s coming up with the whole concept, and so through this team of studio members, we’re all able to make a successful project. This environment encourages teamwork and collaboration, and I find that really interesting and fun to be a part of.”