Moises Gonzales
- MUD, 2011, University of Colorado at Denver
- Loeb Fellowship, 2008, Advanced Studies in Environmental Design, Harvard University
- MCRP, 1997, University of New Mexico
- BA, Political Science, 1993, University of New Mexico
Moises Gonzales is an Associate Professor of Urban Design and the Chair of the Community and Regional Planning Program at the School of Architecture and Planning at the University of New Mexico. He also serves as the Director of the Resource Center for Raza Planning, which is a community outreach center within the School of Architecture and Planning whose mission is to provide technical assistance in the areas of community development, design, and natural resource planning for traditional communities throughout New Mexico. Moises's teaching focus is in Physical Planning and Urban Design as well as Historic Preservation of the Southwest. Moises is co-editor with Enrique R. LaMadrid of the recent book, Nación Genízara, Ethnogenesis, Place, and Identity in New Mexico by University of New Mexico Press (2019). Moises Gonzales is also Co-Author along with Robert William Piatt, Jr. of the book, Slavery in the Southwest Genizaro Identity, Dignity and the Law by Carolina Academic Press (2019).
CRP 265 | Sustainable Community Planning Methods |
CRP 330 | Introduction to Urban Design |
CRP 376 | Human Settlements |
CRP 420 | Environmental Design Studio |
CRP 420 | Community Placemaking Studio |
CRP 421/570 | Urban Design Studio |
CRP 521 | Advanced Planning Studio |
CRP 433/533 | Foundations of Physical Planning |
CRP 483/583 | Introduction To GIS |
CRP 533 | Foundations of Physical Planning |
CRP 510 | Planning Communication Workshop |
CRP 570 | Sem: Physical Planning & Design Studio I |
CRP 570 | Sem: Physical Planning & Design Studio II |
CRP 580 | The Politics of Land |
CRP 588 | Professional Project Thesis Prep |
CRP 589 | Professional Project II |
CRP 597 | Capstone Planning Studio |
Books (Peer Reviewed)
Gonzales, Moises, and Enrique R. Lamadrid, eds. Nación Genízara: Ethnogenesis, Place, and Identity in New Mexico. University of New Mexico Press, 2019.
Piatt, Bill, and Gonzales, Moises. Slavery in the Southwest: Genaizaro Identity, Dignity and the Law. Carolina Academic Press, 2019.
Book Chapters (Peer Reviewed)
Gonzales, Moises. Querencia: the Genízaro Cultural Landscape Model of Community Land Grants in Northern New Mexico. Fonseca-Chavez, Vanessa., Romero Levi., Herrera, Spencer, R., Eds. Querencia: Reflections on the New Mexico Homeland. University of New Mexico Press, 2020. 243-268.
Cordova, T., Gonzales, M. Establishing principles for value-driven policy, Durose, C., & Richardson, L. Ed. Designing Public Policy for Co-production: Theory, Practice and Change. Policy Press. University of Bristol. Bristol UK. 2015. 103-114.
Articles Journals (Peer Reviewed)
Piatt, Bill, Moises Gonzales, and Katja Wolf. "Law Schools Harm Genízaros and other Indigenous People by Misunderstanding ABA Policy." NML Rev. 49 (2019): 236.
Gonzales, M., Rivera, J., Avila M., & Uvina, F. (2016). Cultural Landscape Strategies For Restoration Of The Plaza Del Cerro, Chimayó, New Mexico. International Journal of Heritage Architecture, 1(1), 68-77.
Raheem, N., Archambault, S., Arellano, E., Gonzales, M., Kopp, D., Rivera, J., ... & Colt, S. (2015). A framework for assessing ecosystem services in acequia irrigation communities of the Upper Río Grande watershed. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, 2(5), 559-575.
Fernald, A., Guldan, S., Boykin, K., Cibils, A., Gonzales, M., Hurd, B., ... & Rodriguez, S. (2015). Linked hydrologic and social systems that support resilience of traditional irrigation communities. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci, 19, 293-307.
Gonzales, M (2014). The Evolution of the Urban Acequia Landscape of the American Southwest, Sanchis Ibor, C. A., Palau Salvador, G., Mangue Alférez, I., and Martinez San Martin, L. P. (2014). Irrigation, Society and Landscape. Tribute to Tom F. Glick. ISBN 978-84-9048-274-2
Gonzales, M. (2014). The Genizaro Land Grant Settlements of New Mexico. Journal of the Southwest, 56(4), 583-602.
Gonzales, M (2014). Southwest Urbanism; the Evolution of Mexican Urban Landscapes in the American Southwest, Border-lines, University of Nevada, Vol VII, 78-93.
Gonzales, M., Rivera, J. A., García, J. J., & Markwell, S. (2013). Qualitative and Visualization Methodologies for Modeling Social‐Ecological Dimensions of Regional Water Planning on the Rio Chama. Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education, 152(1), 55-68.
Research Monographs
Markwell, Sam, Moises Gonzales, José A. Rivera, and J. Jarrett García. "The Rio Chama Basin: A Social-Ecological History Linking Culture and Nature." (2016).
Rivera, J. A., Gonzales, M., & Thompson, S. (2014). Landscape Morphology and Adaptation: Land Use Change in Rio Arriba.
Rivera, J. A., Gonzales, M., & García, J. J. (2010). The Cultural Evolution of Rio Arriba County.
Technical Reports
Gonzales, M., Adams, G. (2016). Piedra Lumbre Visitors Center Master Plan. New Mexico Land Grant Council. State of New Mexico.
De la Torre, G., Chavez, E., Pedraza, L., & Gonzales, R. M. (2013). Mapping the Mesa: Identifying complexities that continue to hinder planning development in Pajarito Mesa, NM. In Shared Knowledge Conference Journal (Vol. 1, No. 1).
Academic Conference Papers
“Genízaro Ethnogenisis and Futurism”, Presented as part of the Chicanx Archeology Symposium at the 84 gathering of the Society of American Archeology. April 12, 2019
“Genizaro Self Recognitions and Resistance to Ethnographic Erasure,” Native American Studies Association Albuquerque NM. February 7, 2019.
“Cultural Landscape Strategies For Restoration Of The Plaza Del Cerro, Chimayó, 3rd International Conference on Defence Sites: heritage and Future, Defense Heritage 2016, University of Alicante, Alicante Spain, May 6, 2016.
“La Querencia 2.0; The Cultural Landscape Model of Resilency in Pueblo de Abiquiu, New Mexico”, National Association of Chicana/o Studies Annual Conference 43, Denver Colorado, April 6, 2016.
“Building Community Capacity through Community Based Learning in Northern New Mexico: A collaborative planning and development endeavor with Comunidades del Norte, Chicana(o) Studies, Southwest Hispanic Research Institute (SHRI), San Francisco, California, April 17, 2015.
“Agricultural Adaptation and Land Use Change in Acequiu Irrigation Settlements at the Rio Chama and Rio Grande Confluence”, Universities Council of Water Resources Conference, Water Systems, Science, and Society Under Global Change, Tuft University, Medford, Massachusetts, June 20, 2014.
“Qualitative and Visualization Methodologies for Modeling Social-Ecological Dimensions of Regional Water Planning,” Universities Council of Water Resources Conference, Sustaining Water Resources and Ecological Functions in Changing Environments, Lake Tahoe, California, June 11-13, 2013.
“Rethinking Physical Planning and Design in the Planning Curriculum,” in proceedings for the 53rd annual conference of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP), Resurgence of Planning in a New Century, Cincinnati, Ohio, November 1-4, 2012.
“From Myth to Megacity: Transformation of the Urban Landscape of Mexico City” for the Biennial Conference of the International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments, The Myth of Tradition, University of Oregon, Portland, Oregon, October 4-7, 2012.
“Southwest Urbanism, the Evolution of Mexican Urban Landscapes in the American Southwest” in proceedings for the 3rd Annual Conference of the Latin American Architecture Symposium, The New Mexico, University of New Mexico, September 13-15, 2012.
“A Sustainable Urban Design Approach to Climate Change in American Cities of the Arid Southwest” in proceedings for the 42nd Urban Affairs Association Annual Meeting (UAA). Rethinking the Future of Urbanism: Cities and Regions in a Post-Industrial Era, Pittsburg, Pa, April 18-21, 2012.Research Funding, Contract Research, and Grants
NEA Ourtown Grant, to support design and planning for the Los Lunas Route 66 Museum & Visitors Center. Co-Pi with Francisco Uvina and Tim Castillo.
Public Service of New Mexico, Power Up Community Grant, The Store House; Vertical Garden and Parquito, Lead Project Desinger for Adelante New Mexico. 2016.
Center For Regional Studies, Genizaro Writers Workshop, Genízaro Nation; Emergence, Sense of Place and Identity in New Mexico (Forthcoming Book Co-editor), Principal Investigator. 2016
New Mexico Land Grant Council Services Contract, Peidra Lumbre Visitors Center Master Plan, Principal Investigator along with Geoff Adams Co-Principal Investigator, 2016.
McCune Foundation, Rural Community Economic Development Capacity Building in Indo-hispano villages in Rio Arriba and Santa Fe County, Principal Investigator along with Tim Castillo Co-Principal Investigator. 2015.
Center for Regional Studies, Acequia Heritage Project, Supported (3) Graduate Research Assistantships, Co-Principal Investigator with Jose Rivera and Tim Castillo, 2015.
Bernalillo County, Carnuel/Tijeras Canyon Regional Trail Community Planning Project, Principal Investigator, 2014.
Santa Fe County, Chimayò Community Plan: Youth Participation Project, Principal Investigator, 2014.
McCune Foundation, SHRI 2014 Field Research School Initiative, Co-Principal Investigator with Magdalena Avila Principal Investigator, 2014
National Endowment for the Arts, Our Town Program, The Stories of Route 66: Creative Placemaking with the Albuquerque International District Community, Co- Principal Investigator with Michaele Pride, Dean of Outreach and Community and Engagement and Alf Simon, Associate Dean, 2013.
City of Santa Fe, Saint Michael’s Drive Form Based Code Regulatory Framework, Principal Investigator, 2013.
Center for Southwest Studies, Community Acequia Exhibition Project, Co-Principal Investigator with Jose Rivera Principal Investigator, Funding to Support one Research Assistant through the Resource Center for Raza Planning, 2013.
McCune Foundation, Indo-Hispano Land Tenure Initiative to Resource Center for Raza Planning, Principal Investigator, 2013.
Southwest Hispanic Research Institute, Formulation of a Collaborative Service Learning Initiative, Principal Investigator, 2013.
City of Santa Fe, Saint Michael’s Drive Corridor Study, Principal Investigator, 2012.
SA+P Professional Research and Development Grant Funding Program, Co-Principal Investigator with Timothy Imeokparia, 2011.
National Science Foundation, Coupled Natural and Human Systems Dynamics, Rio Chama Social Ecological History Project, Faculty Mentor to MCRP graduate students Jarrett Garcia and Sophia Thompson, Co-investigator under the direction of the Principal Investigator Jose Rivera, University of New Mexico, 2011-2015.
Invited Lectures, Speaker and Symposium
Speaker and Symposium Organizer, “Genízaro Nation; Emergence, Sense of Place and Identity in New Mexico”, Sponsored by the Center for Regional Studies, Abiquiu Library and Cultural Center, Abiquiu New Mexico, June 22, 2016.
Invited Panelist, “ Political Rallies in New Mexico, Trump Protest”, New Mexico In-Focus New Mexico PBS KNME, May 25, 2016. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1iPa0J_78w
Invited Speaker, “Quality of Life in Rural Traditional Villages of Northern New Mexico”, Solution Journalism Network, Toas New Mexico, April 14, 2016.
Invited Speaker, “Construyendo proyectos Rurales de pequena esacala a traves del uso planificado de los recursos naturales”, Mistry of Foreign Trade of Ecuador, San Isabel National Catholic University, Quito Ecuador, and Santiago National Catholic University, Guayaquil Ecuador, December 8th, 2015.
Invited Speaker, “Designing for Resilience in New Mexico”, American Institute of Architects New Mexico Annual Conference, August 27, 2015.
Invited Guest, “Economic Development Strategies for Rio Arriba County, KDCE Radio, Espanola New Mexico, July 30, 2015
Invited Panel Guest, KUNM Call in Radio Show, “Why Do We Spend So Much On Rent In New Mexico?” Albuquerque, New Mexico, July 9, 2015. http://kunm.org/post/why-do-we-spend-so-much-rent-new-mexico#stream/0
Invited Speaker, “Genizaro Communities of the East Sandia Mountains”, East Mountain Historical Society, Tijeras New Mexico, June 14, 2015.
Invited Speaker, “Abiquiu: Honoring the History & Experience of a Genizaro Pueblo”, Abiquiu New Mexico, May 16. 2015,
Invited Speaker, “The Evolution of Irrigation Urban Landscapes of the American Southwest”, People and Places Across Boarders Symposium, Great Cities Institute, University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago Illinois, April 29, 2015. https://greatcities.uic.edu/?s=moises+gonzales
Invited Speaker, “City Vision: Downtown Waukegan Walking Tour”, City of Waukegan Main Street, Waukegan, Illinois, November 23, 2013.
Invited Speaker, “Mexico City; Myth to Megacity”, Cities Across The Globe: People and Places Across Borders Symposium, Great Cities Institute, University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, November 21, 2013.
Invited Speaker, “Building Healthy Communities”, TedxSalon Abq, Albuquerque Museum, Albuquerque, New Mexico, November 7, 2013.
Presenter, “Climate Connections, connecting the dots from the problems to solutions”, Climate Change Town Hall Meeting, New Mexico Sierra Club, South Broadway Cultural Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 30, 2013.
Invited Panelist, “The Future of The City, an Interdisciplinary Symposium,” University of New Mexico City Lab, School of Architecture and Planning, University of New Mexico, Friday April 12 2013
Speaker, “Colonia Conditions of the Parajito Mesa,” Funders Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities, Places Program, Albuquerque, New Mexico, November 15, 2012
Speaker, “Form Based Zoning, The Way of the Future?,” Land Use Law, Continuing Legal Education, Center for Legal Education of the State Bar of New Mexico, October 17, 2012
Invited Panelist, “Service-Learning & Community Engagement Across the Curriculum Workshop,” Office of Support for Effective Teaching (OSET), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, October 17, 2013
Guest Lecturer, “Interdisciplinary Modeling: Water Related Issues and Changing Climate”, New Mexico State University, Department of Engineering, June 4-5, 2012.
Civic and Community Boards
The Praxis Project, Building healthy communities by transforming the power relationships and structures that affect our lives, Board Member, 2014 - Present
Board of Trustees, Canon de Carnue Land Grant, President, 2014 – Present
Carnuel Mutual Domestic Water User Association, Board member 2012- Present
Strategic Leadership Institute for New Mexico, McCune Foundation, 2006 – Present
“Our Future Our Community” task force on smart growth, Appointed by Former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson 2004 – 2007
New Mexico Acequia Commission, Appointed by Former Governor Bill Richardson 2004-2008
Board of Supervisors, Ciudad Soil Water Conservation District, 2005-2007
President, Cañon de Carnue Land Grant Board, Carnuel New Mexico 2000-2004
New Mexico Historic Preservation Alliance, Board Member, 2001-2003
Jemez y Sangre Regional Water Planning Council, Rio Arriba County Representative, 1999-2002
Rio Arriba County, Planning and Zoning Commission, Vice-Chair, 1996 – 1998
2020 CPRC Heritage Publication Award, New Mexico State Historic Preservation Office. Nación Genízara UNM Press 2019. Awarded for its contribution to the preservation of culture and genizaro land grant communities.
2019 Outstanding Student Award, New Mexico American Planning Association Conference for the Route 66 Museum Master Plan for the Village of Los Lunas.
2017 American Planning Association. Outstanding Student Award for Contribution of Planning to Contemporary Issues. SDU + U: A Study of Secondary Dwelling Units, CRP Cap Stone Studio Fall 2015.
2013, New Mexico Planning Association Students Award, Instructor for Airport Corridor Study, City of Santa Fe.
2012 New Mexico Leadership Program, Creating the Next Generation of Academic Leaders, New Mexico EPSCoR, National Science Foundation
2009 Best Planning Practice, Chimal Designs, 2009 New Mexico Infrastructure Conference
2008 Harvard University, Loeb Fellowship Recipient, Graduate School of Design
2005 Faces of Conservation Award, National Wilderness Society, Washington D.C.
2004 Best Planning Practices, Ninth Annual Infrastructure New Mexico Infrastructure Finance Conference
2002 Fellowship, Next Generation Leadership Program, Cohort 4, Rockefeller Foundation
2001 Alumni Award, School of Architecture and Planning, University of New Mexico
2000 Sheldon D. Gerber Merit Award for Excellence in Environmental Planning, Western Planners Resource, Rio Arriba County Agricultural Conservation Study, October 2000
1998 Thomas D. Campbell Fellowship Recipient, Center for Southwest Research, University of New Mexico, September 1998
1995 Housing and Urban Development Fellowship, Community and Regional Planning, School of Architecture and Planning, University of New Mexico
1994 Center For Regional Graduate Studies Fellowship, Center for Regional Studies, University of New Mexico