Maceo Martinet
Lecturer II
- Ph.D Biology, Department of Biology, University of New Mexico, 2008
- B.S. Natural Resources, Cornell University, 2001
- Ecological Restoration Planning and Implementation
- Water and Land Ecology
- Natural Resources Assessment, Planning and Conservation
- Water Conservation Techniques and Policies (specialty in Water Harvesting and Green Infrastructure)
- Community-based Environmental Education and Pedagogy
Maceo Carrillo Martinet, PhD. is an ecologist/educator working for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Partners Program which helps private landowners, communities, and schools to improve the ecological health of the land. Dr. Martinet has worked on various community-based environmental education projects in New Mexico for over 15 years. He received a doctorate in ecology at the University of New Mexico where he focused his research on the effects of urbanization on the Rio Grande and science education.
Course Instructor. Watershed and Community Restoration Field Methods (also labelled as Natural History of Watersheds Field Course). Community Regional Planning Department, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. Spring Semester. 2019 - Ongoing.
Selected Peer-Review Publications
Valencia, C. and Martinet, M. 2016. Local control: authority, resistance, and knowledge production in fracking. WIREs Water, e1197. doi:10.1002/wat2.1197
Martinet, M.C. “A New Agenda for Science Education.” Journal of Sustainability Education. March, 2012.
Martinet, M.C., E.R. Vivoni, J.R. Cleverly, J.R. Thibault, J.F. Schuetz, and C.N. Dahm. 2009. On groundwater fluctuations, evapotranspiration and understory removal in riparian corridors, Water Resources Research Vol. 45, W05425, doi:10.1029/2008WR007152.
Selected Non-Peer Review Publications
Martinet, M.C. 2018. Engaging bodies, minds, and cultural identities: an 8-week summer program on water conservation and sustainability for low-income students. Green Teacher Magazine. Winter Issue 115.
Martinet, M.C. and F.M. Torres. 2008. Model for Physical science technician training and professional development in bosque restoration – closing the educational gap for youth in a new economy, Indian Hispano Academy of Agricultural Arts and Sciences. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Report 201815-G934. 91 pages.
Vasquez, C., and M.C. Martinet (eds). 2002. La Vida del Rio Grande, Our River, Our Life – Symposium Proceedings, National Hispanic Cultural Center Press, May 24, 116 pages.
Selected Newspaper Articles
“Pandemic - Making the Invisible Visible” Green Fire Times, July/Aug 2020.
“Foreigners in their own lands: a tribute to the Wilderness Act” Green Fire Times, December 2014.
“A small sample of who we are.” Green Fire Times, November 2014.Ongoing Projects
Bosque Restoration and Cultural Healing Project – developing a long-term site for community education and hands-on learning that involves restoration and natural healing methods
Conduct community restoration projects and student learning throughout New Mexico
Developing culturally-based curriculum around restoration practice in Southwest and Internationally
Sense of Wonder Award. 2018. US Fish and Wildlife Service [recognition for youth education work].
2042 Today Young Leaders Re-Imagining Conservation Fellowship. 2013. Center for Whole Communities and Center for Diversity and the Environment.
Certificate of Leadership Achievement. 2009. Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Native Americans in the Sciences (SACNAS) and American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
Certificate of Achievement. 2002. Jardines Del Bosque Research Station, National Hispanic Cultural Center.