Caroline Scruggs
- PhD, Interdisciplinary Environment & Resources, Stanford University
- MS, Environmental Engineering, Virginia Tech
- Chemicals and Society
- Water Scarcity and Security
- US Chemicals Policy and Potable Water Reuse
- Public Communication, Education, and Outreach
I’m an Professor of Community and Regional Planning (CRP) in the University of New Mexico’s School of Architecture and Planning (SA+P). My research and teaching primarily fall within CRP’s Environmental Planning concentration, and I’m also affiliated with the Water Resources Program, the Center for Water & the Environment, Geography & Environmental Studies, and Sustainability Studies at UNM.
I earned BS and MS degrees in Environmental Engineering from Virginia Tech and an interdisciplinary PhD in Environment and Resources from Stanford University. Through previous work in the private sector, I have extensive experience with water and wastewater treatment and water reuse projects. Further academic experiences and work with groups such as the Swedish Chemicals Agency, the International Chemical Secretariat (a nonprofit), and the United Nations Environment Program provided me with a deeper understanding of the social, business, economic, and policy aspects of environmental problems and potential solutions. In line with the SA+P’s aim, I strive to engage local issues that have global significance, conducting rigorous interdisciplinary research that can inform policies to advance ecosystem and public health. I use an interdisciplinary approach to research and teaching that employs mixed methods to investigate environmental problems from multiple angles, and often involves partnerships from across the UNM campus and the community.
My interdisciplinary doctoral research on chemicals management and policy was supported by an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) STAR fellowship, a Udall Foundation doctoral fellowship, and multiple Stanford University fellowships. Current funding sources for my research are the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute (NMWRRI). My research has been published in numerous peer-reviewed outlets, such as Environmental Science and Policy, the Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, the Journal of Cleaner Production, and the Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management.
CRP 345: Stakeholders and the Environment
CRP470/570: Introduction to Planetary Health
CRP 470/570 - Societal Impacts and Design of Everyday Things
CRP 588 - Conceptualizing and Designing Research in Planning
CRP 425/525 - Water & Energy in NM: Conversations on Our Common Future
CRP 470/570 - Environmental Policy: Issues, Stakeholders, and Politics
CRP 470/570 - Planning Healthy and Sustainable Communities
CRP 470 - Stakeholders in Environmental Policy
CRP 511 - Analytical Methods for Planners
Published Peer-Reviewed Articles
(*designates student co-authors)
Advancing a Net Zero Urban Water Future in the United States Southwest: Governance and Policy Challenges and Future Needs, Environmental Science and Technology Water (ES&T Water), (2024), C. Crosson, S. Pincetl, C.E. Scruggs, N. Gupta, R. Bhushan, S. Sharvelle, E. Porse, A. Achilli, A. Zuniga-Teran, G. Pierce, D. Boccelli, C. Gerba, M. Morgan, T. Cath, B. Thomson, S. Baule, S. Glass, M. Gold, J. MacAdam, L. Cole, M. Mier, C. Shipek, and T. Meixner
Understanding questions and concerns about potable water reuse: An analysis of survey write-in responses, AWWA Water Science, (2023), C.E. Scruggs, *C. Heyne, and Kellin N. Rumsey.
Extending Traditional Water Supplies in Inland Communities with Non-traditional Solutions to Water Scarcity, WIREs Water, (2021) 8(5):e1543,, C.E. Scruggs and *C. Heyne.
Voluntary Public Campaigns to Benefit the Environment: Assessing the Effectiveness of the There is No Poop Fairy Campaign, Journal of Planning Education and Research, (2021), C.E. Scruggs, *S. Lozoya, *K.N. Rumsey, K. Bronson, and P. Chavez.
Public Engagement on Water Reuse Beyond Community Surveys, Journal of the American Water Works Association, (2021) 113(4): 56-68, Scruggs, C.E. 3, *L.N. Distler, C.E. Scruggs, *M.P. Cruz, and *K.N. Rumsey.
Mapping Potable Reuse Survey Data Using Spatial Statistics to Inform Tailored Education and Outreach, AWWA Water Science, (2020) DOI: 10.1002/aws2.1197, M.P. Cruz, C.E. Scruggs, and *L.N. Distler.
Potable Water Reuse in Small Inland Communities: Oasis or Mirage? Journal of the American Water Works Association, (2020) 112(4):10-17,, C.E. Scruggs, D.F. Lawler, G. Tchobanoglous, B.M. Thomson, M.R. Schwarzman, K.J. Howe, and A.J. Schuler.
Survey data on perceptions of water scarcity and potable reuse from water utility customers in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Data in Brief, (2020) 10.1016/j.dib.2020.105289, *L.N. Distler and C.E. Scruggs.
Arid Inland Community Survey on Water Knowledge, Trust, and Potable Reuse. II: Predictive Modeling, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, (2020) 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0001219, *L.N. Distler, C.E. Scruggs, and *K.N. Rumsey.
Arid Inland Community Survey on Water Knowledge, Trust, and Potable Reuse. I: Description of Findings, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, (2020) 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0001218, *L.N. Distler and C.E. Scruggs.
Direct Potable Water Reuse in Five Arid Inland Communities: An Analysis of Factors Influencing Public Acceptance, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, (2019) DOI: 10.1080/09640568.2019.1671815, C.E. Scruggs, C. Pratesi, and J.R. Fleck.
The Costs of Direct and Indirect Potable Water Reuse in a Medium-sized Arid Inland Community, Journal of Water Process Engineering, (2017) 19:239-247, DOI: 10.1016/j.jwpe.2017.08.003, *J.G. Herman, C.E. Scruggs, and B.M. Thomson.
Opportunities and Challenges for Direct Potable Water Reuse in Arid Inland Communities, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, (2017) 143(10), DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000822, C.E. Scruggs and B.M. Thomson.
"Improving Information Flow on Chemicals in Electronic Products and E-waste to Minimize Negative Consequences for Health and the Environment, Resources, Conservation, and Recycling," (2016) 113:149-164, DOI: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2016.06.009, C.E. Scruggs, N. Nimpuno, and *R.B.B. Moore.
"Challenges and Opportunities in Stimulating Public Awareness and Engagement on US Chemicals Policy," Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, (2016) 6(3): 569-579, DOI: 10.1007/s13412-016-0387-4, C.E. Scruggs and *R.B.B. Moore.
"Five Ways to Support Interdisciplinary Work Before Tenure," Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, (2015) 6(2): 260-267, DOI: 10.1007/s13412-015-0326-9, M.H. Benson, C.D. Lippitt, R. Morrison, B. Cosens, J. Boll, B.C. Chaffin, A.K. Fremier, R. Heinse, D. Kauneckis, T.E. Link, C.E. Scruggs, M. Stone, V. Valentin.
"Effect of Company Size on Potential for REACH Compliance and Selection of Safer Chemicals," Environmental Science and Policy, (2015) 45: 79-91, DOI: 10.1016/j.envsci.2014.10.001, C.E. Scruggs, L. Ortolano, M.P. Wilson, M.R. Schwarzman.
"Why Leading Consumer Product Companies Develop Proactive Chemical Management Strategies," Business & Society, (2016; published online first in 2014) 55: 635-675, DOI: 10.1177/0007650314536393, C.E. Scruggs and H. Van Buren.
"The Role of Chemical Policy in Improving Supply Chain Knowledge and Product Safety," Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, (2014) 4:132-141, C.E. Scruggs, L. Ortolano, M.R. Schwarzman, M.P. Wilson.
"Reducing Hazardous Chemicals in Consumer Products: Proactive Company Strategies," Journal of Cleaner Production, 44 (2013) 105-114, C.E. Scruggs.
"Creating Safer Consumer Products: The Information Challenges Companies Face," Environmental Science and Policy, 14 (2011) 605-614, C.E. Scruggs and L. Ortolano.
"EDCs in Wastewater: What’s the Next Step?" Water Environment & Technology, March 2005, C.E. Scruggs, G.L. Hunter, E.M. Snyder, B. Long, and S. Snyder.
"Not-So-Simple Disinfection Strategies," Water Environment & Technology, December 2004, C.L. Wallis-Lage, C.E. Scruggs, G.L. Hunter, and R. Huber.
"Biological Phosphorus Removal," Water Environment & Technology, February 2003, J.L. Barnard and C.E. Scruggs.
"Evaluation of Filamentous Microorganism Growth Factors in an Industrial Wastewater Activated Sludge System," Water Science and Technology, April 1998, C.E. Scruggs and C.W. Randall.
Recent Conference Papers
Perspectives on Innovative Approaches in Agriculture to Managing Water Scarcity, Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) 2023 Conference, October 2023, *E. Hasenbeck and C.E. Scruggs.
Understanding the Public’s Questions and Concerns Related to Potable Water Reuse: An analysis of survey write-in responses from residents in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) 2022 Conference, November 2022, C.E. Scruggs and *C. Heyne.
Planning for Climate Change: An “All-of-the-Above” Approach to Future Water Scarcity, Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) 2021 Conference, October 2021, C.E. Scruggs and *C. Heyne.
Voluntary Public Campaigns to Benefit the Environment: Assessing the Effectiveness of the There is No Poop Fairy Campaign, Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) 60th Annual Conference, November 2020, C.E. Scruggs, *S. Lozoya, *K.N. Rumsey, K. Bronson, and P. Chavez.
Going Beyond Surveys: The Need for Community Engagement on Topics of Water Resources and Reuse, Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) 59th Annual Conference, October 2019, C.E. Scruggs, *L. Distler, *K. Rumsey, and *M. Cruz.
Potable Water Reuse in the Inland Southwest: Understanding Public Perceptions, Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) Annual Conference, October 2018, C.E. Scruggs, *L. Distler, and *K. Rumsey.
Survey Design on Potable Water Reuse: Lessons Learned from Focus Groups in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) Annual Conference, October 2017, C.E. Scruggs and *L. Distler.
Potable Water Reuse in Arid Inland Communities: Understanding the Social, Technical, and Economic Opportunities and Constraints, Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) Annual Conference, November 2016, C.E. Scruggs, *J.G. Herman, *C. Pratesi, *L. Distler, and J. Fleck.
Published Professional Reports and Articles
Understanding the Public’s Questions and Concerns About Potable Water Reuse: An analysis of survey write-in responses from residents of Albuquerque, New Mexico, Technical Completion Report for the New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute (WRRI), September 2022, C.E. Scruggs and *C. Heyne.
"The Cost of Direct and Indirect Potable Water Reuse in a Medium-Sized Arid Inland Community," Technical Completion Report for the New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute (WRRI), April 2017, *J.G. Herman and C.E. Scruggs.
"Measuring the Impact of Cost Increases on Consumer Acceptance of Potable Water Reuse in the Albuquerque Area," Technical Completion Report for the New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute (WRRI), December 2016, *J.G. Herman and C.E. Scruggs.
"Information on Chemicals in Electronic Products: A study of needs, gaps, obstacles, and solutions to provide and access information on chemicals in electronic products," Report for the United Nations Environment Program’s (UNEP) Strategic Approach on International Chemicals Management (SAICM), August 2011, N. Nimpuno and C.E. Scruggs.
"Protecting Consumers and the Environment: A Comparison of Approaches to Developing Restricted Substance Lists by Makers of ‘Stuff We All Use,’" Report for the International Chemical Secretariat (ChemSec, an international NGO), May 2009, C.E. Scruggs.
"Effects of Wastewater Treatment on Microconstituents and Endocrine Disrupting Compounds," Technical Practice Update for the Water Environment Federation, June 2007, C.E. Scruggs.
"EDCs in Wastewater: What’s Next?" Water & Waste Treatment, January 2005, C.E. Scruggs and F. Rogalla.
UNM lead on an NSF DISES grant entitled Dynamic and Integrated Socio-Environmental Systems – Research Coordination Network (DISES-RCN): Identifying Cross-cutting Challenges Toward a Net Zero Urban Water (NZUW) Future in the Southwest. Multi-institution grant including University of Arizona, UCLA, Colorado School of Mines, and UNM. Co-PI (9/1/2022 – 8/31/2026).
Collaborator on a large EPA grant entitled National Priorities: Water Innovation, Science, and Engagement to Advance Water Reuse. Multi-institution grant including The Water Research Foundation, The Water Center at University of Pennsylvania, University of Colorado, Southern Nevada Water Authority, US Military Academy West Point, Colorado School of Mines, Stanford, The Ohio State University (9/1/2022 – 8/31/2026).
PI on a New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute grant entitled Understanding the public's questions and concerns related to potable water reuse: An analysis of survey write-in responses from residents of Albuquerque, New Mexico (11/2021-04/2023).
Member of the Leadership Innovation for Faculty Transformation (LIFT) 2023-24 Cohort.
Member of UNM’s Science of Team Science (SciTS) research team to assess UNM’s Grand Challenges Program, 2022-present.
PI on a UNM ADVANCE grant entitled Perspectives on Innovative Approaches in Agriculture to Managing Water Scarcity. (Co-PIs: Melinda Morgan, Jingjing Wang, Alex Webster; 8/2021-12/2022.)
Participation in Santa Fe Watershed working group with faculty throughout NM, Spring 2022-present (working group leaders: Alex Webster and Yolanda Lin).
Various research projects related to potable water reuse and chemicals in society.
Frequent reviewer for journal article manuscripts and grant applications.
Collaborator on NSF CREST Center for Water and the Environment grant, Engaging Underrepresented Minority Students in STEM Careers through the Center for Water and the Environment 2014-2019 and 2020-2025.
Collaborator on UNM’s Sustainable Water Resources Grand Challenges, 2019-present.
UNM Office of the Vice President of Research, Water in the West Research Investment Award, Rethinking US Chemical Policies to Account for Potable Water Reuse,2018.
NM WRRI Research Grant, Understanding the Costs of Arid Inland Communities’ Potable Water Reuse Options, 2015-2017.
Collaborator on NSF CREST Center for Water and the Environment grant, EngagingUnderrepresented Minority Students in STEM Careers through the Center forWater and the Environment 2014-2019 and 2020-2025.
Collaborator on UNM’s Sustainable Water Resources Grand Challenges, 2019-present.
UNM Office of the Vice President of Research, Water in the West Research Investment Award, Rethinking US Chemical Policies to Account for Potable Water Reuse,2018.
NM WRRI Research Grant, Understanding the Costs of Arid Inland Communities’ Potable Water Reuse Options, 2015-2017.
Appointed Member of Bernalillo Co. Water Protection Advisory Board, 2012-15, reappointed for 2015-2018 and 2018-2021 terms.
Organizer of Public Lecture Series on Water & Energy in NM (as part of a UNM course), 2013-17.
Creator, Organizer, and Facilitator of roundtable discussion for the 2017 Association of Environmental Studies and Sciences Conference: Environment, Wellness, & Community at University of Arizona entitled “Rethinking US Chemicals Policy to Account for Potable Water Reuse”.
Chair of a research presentation panel for the 2017 Association of Environmental Studies and Sciences Conference: Environment, Wellness, & Community at University of Arizona entitled “Influences and Strategies Affecting Public Perception of Water Scarcity: New Research to Promote Informed Decision Making for Natural Resource Sustainability”.
Community at University of Arizona entitled “Influences and Strategies Affecting Public Perception of Water Scarcity: New Research to Promote Informed Decision Making for Natural Resource Sustainability”.
Chama Peak Land Alliance’s “Beyond the Mirage: The Future of Water in the West” film screening event, Invited panel speaker to discuss potable water reuse and desalination and their potential use in New Mexico, October 8, 2016, C.E. Scruggs.
US Toxic Substances Control Act reform events with Senator Tom Udall to highlight the importance of federal TSCA reform to community health and the environment, May 31 and June 3, 2016, C.E. Scruggs.
Co-chair of a research presentation panel for the 2015 Association of Environmental Studies and Sciences Conference: Confronting Frontiers, Borders, and Boundaries at UC San Diego entitled “Multi-disciplinary Approaches to Mitigating Environmental Health Challenges”.
Creator, Organizer, and Facilitator of roundtable discussion for the 2015 Association of Environmental Studies and Sciences Conference: Confronting Frontiers, Borders, and Boundaries at UC San Diego entitled “Frontiers in Scholarship: What Defines “Excellence” in an Interdisciplinary Academic Career?”
Co-organizer of a 5-speaker panel for 2014 NM American Planning Association Annual Conference in Albuquerque, NM (with Petra Morris), entitled “Bike Share: A Catalyst for Community Action and Engaged Learning”.
Creator, Organizer, and Moderator of 3-part, 10-speaker panel series for 2014 Association of Environmental Studies and Sciences conference at Pace University in New York City, entitled “Synthetic Chemicals and Society: Research and Perspectives on Ethics, Environmental Health, Governance, and Education”.
Bikeshare Mobility: Exploring Cultural and Financial Viability in Albuquerque, Invited presentation to the Albuquerque-Bernalillo County Air Quality Control Board, January 2014, C.E. Scruggs, A. Hooper, R. Holland, M. Wingard.
Creator, Organizer, and Moderator of Panel for the 2005 Water Environment Federation conference in Washington, D.C., entitled “Surface Water Quality and Ecology: EDCs in Wastewater: Implications for the Water Quality Industry”.
2020-2021 The Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award from the University of New Mexico Center for Teaching Excellence.
School of Architecture and Planning’s Regents’ Lecturer, 2018-2021.
Research Assistant Sergio Lozoya received 1st Place in the General Category: Science & Mathematics Education and Social, Behavioral & Economic Sciences for his presentation on our NSF research. The presentation title and conference were: The Effectiveness of the There Is No Poop Fairy Campaign, Emerging Researchers National (ERN) Conference in STEM, February 2019, S. Lozoya and C.E. Scruggs.
Received the 2018 Best Policy Paper Award from the Environmental & Water Resources Institute (EWRI) for paper titled “Opportunities and Challenges for Direct Potable Water Reuse in Arid Inland Communities” by Caroline Scruggs and Bruce Thomson. (J. Water Resources Planning and Management, Volume 143, issue 10, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000822.)
Coverage of this Journal of the American Water Works Association Feature Article by the Green Science Policy Institute: Potable Water Reuse in Small Inland Communities: Oasis or Mirage? (2020) 112(4):10-17,, C.E. Scruggs, D.F. Lawler, G. Tchobanoglous, B.M. Thomson, M.R. Schwarzman, K.J. Howe, and A.J. Schuler.
Coverage of Poop Fairy research by Minnesota Public Radio (May 2019)
Caroline Scruggs’s research featured in “Meet the Researcher” in the January 2018 edition of NMWWRI’s New Mexico Water eNews.
Coverage in the UNM Center for Water and the Environment News about Research Assistant Lauren Distler’s 1st Place in Social Science at a national STEM conference, April 2017.
Coverage in New Mexico Water eNews of Research Assistant Jason Herman’s research, article entitled “UNM Grad Student Reports on Albuquerque Residents’ Willingness to Accept Costs Associated with Potable Water Reuse”, December 2016.
Coverage of my chemical-related policy public scholarship in John Fleck’s “Inkstain” blog, June 2016.
Coverage of Senator Udall’s May and June 2016 chemicals policy reform events in which I participated in several outlets including: The Albuquerque Journal, KOB local news, Los Alamos Daily Post, Dakota Progressive, and several others.
Coverage of my peer-reviewed article “Challenges and Opportunities in Stimulating Public Awareness and Engagement on US Chemicals Policy” in the Environmental Defense Fund’s internationally circulated blog in a post entitled “Making ‘Safer’ Accessible to All”, April 2016
Wide coverage of my Water & Energy in NM lecture series, from the Green Fire Times to Green Chambers of Commerce to Sierra Club Newsletters.
Coverage of our $5M NSF CREST grantin UNM News
Coverage of my Planning Sustainable Communities service learning course student project on bike share in the Daily Lobo, and the bike share program that our class research and community outreach contributed to as covered in the Albuquerque Journal