Kathleen Kambic
- MLA, University of Virginia
- MArch, University of Virginia
- Water
- Infrastructure
- Political Ecology
- Urbanism
- Landscape Theory
Kathleen Kambic earned her MLA, MArch, and BSArch degrees from the University of Virginia. She has worked at Nelson Byrd Woltz Landscape Architects in Charlottesville, VA and EDAW/AECOM in Denver, CO. Kathleen has also previously taught at the University of Colorado Boulder Program in Environmental Design. Her research interests include water infrastructure, marginalized urban space, political ecology, and landscape theory. Kathleen has most recently contributed a chapter entitled "Urban Water Visibility in Los Angeles: legibility and access for all" to the edited volume, A Political Ecology of Women, Water, and Global Environmental Change (2015).
LA 512- Water and the Environment (Spring 2017)
LA 502/402- Studio 2: Bosque Extension (of Mountain Avenue) and Missing and Murdered Women Memorial (Spring 2017)
LA 556/335 - Site and Environment with Alf Simon and John Barney (Fall 2016)
LA 505 - Studio 505 Competition Studio with Katya Crawford (Fall 2016)
“Urban Water Visibility in Los Angeles: Legibility and Access for All.” in A Political Ecology of Women, Water, and Global Environmental Change. Buechler, Stephanie J, and Anne-Marie Hanson, eds. 3/2015; 58-76.
“massive change, required - nine axioms for the future of landscape (architecture)” in KERB – Journal of Landscape Architecture, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, "Is Landscape Architecture Dead?" 2009; 17:105-110.
“The Infrastructural Era - Garden in the Machine” in R O O T: Resourceful Obstacles 2010: 2;4-8.
Review of Sweet & Salt: Water and the Dutch by Tracy Metz and Maartje van den Heuvel (eds.). In JoLA - Journal on Landscape Architecture 11/2013; 8(2):86-87.
“Sketch Crawl: Exploratory Physiocartographies of Place and Time," CELA: Space-Time-Place-Duration. University of Texas Austin, March 26-31, 2013. Peer reviewed panel presentation, workshop and exhibition.
"Forgotten Frames" CELA: Finding Center, Landscape + Values. University of Illinois, Champaign, IL March 28 – 31, 2012. Peer reviewed panel presentation and exhibition.
1st Place - "What's Up Paris" International Design Competition 2016
3rd Place - "Hornachuelos Reactivation" International Design Competition 2016
Water Resources Program Affiliate, UNM
Center of the American West Affiliate, University of Colorado Boulder