Francisco Uviña-Contreras
- M.Arch, University of New Mexico
- Graduate Certificate in Preservation and Regionalism, University of New Mexico
- Vernacular Architecture
- Earthen & Alternative Construction & Materials
- Application of Earth Materials in New Design
- Adaptive Re-Use
- Latin American Cultural Resources, Design & Construction
Francisco Uviña Contreras received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Architecture, minoring in Art History in 1994 from the School of Architecture and Planning (SAAP) at the University of New Mexico. Francisco received his Masters of Architecture and Masters Certificate in Preservation and Regionalism in 2009 from the University of New Mexico where he graduated with distinction. Francisco worked for Cornerstones Community Partnerships, a non for profit organization, from 1994 to 2008 to assist with field assessments, documentation of historic buildings, adaptive re-use design and new design work utilizing traditional building methods as the Architectural/Technical Manager. In 1996 he served as the only North American representative to participate in an international five-week training program in Perú in the restoration, conservation and new design of earthen buildings; the program was sponsored by CRATerre in France, The Getty Conservation Institute in the US and the International Center for the Study of the Preservation & Restoration of Cultural Properties (ICCROM) in Italy. In 1999 Francisco was invited on contracted to teach in the same five week Latin American program in Perú. Francisco is the co-author and illustrator of Cornerstones’ Adobe Architecture, A Conservation Handbook. Since 2009 Francisco has been teaching architecture undergraduate and graduate design studios, preservation courses, as well as planning courses and studios at the School of Architecture and Planning at the University of New Mexico. In the present Francisco serves as the Director for the Historic Preservation and Regionalism Graduate Certificate Program at the School of Architecture and Planning at the University of New Mexico.
Spring 2017
Planning Issues in Chicano Communities, Comm. Regional Planning Zuni Main Street Architecture Studio, co-taught with Elizabeth Suina
Summer 2017
Zuni Design Build, Southwest Summer Institute, Historic Preservation and Regionalism
Fall 2017
Alternative Materials and Construction, Historic Preservation and Regionalism
Other Teaching Experience
Associate Instructor for the Pan American Course on the Conservation and Management of Earthen Architectural and Archeological Heritage, GAIA Project – PAT99, Chan Chan, Trujillo, Perú, November through December, 1999
Coordinator and organizer to most of the TICRAT workshops, “Taller internacional sobre la conservacion y restauracion de arquitectura de tierra” (International Workshop on the Conservation and Restoration of Earthen Architecture), 1995 – present.
Technical Vocational Institute TVI, Albuquerque, NM, Spring Semester 2005. Instructor and Trainer: Preservation of the Hubbell House Project.
Diplomado en Gestion del Patrimonio Cultural y Conservacion de Arquitectura de Tierra Modulo III (Courses in Patrimony, Cultural Heritage and Conservation of Earthen Architecture, Module III), History and Conceptualization of Earthen Architecture Techniques and Construction Processes, Instructor, ISAD, Instituto Superior de Arquitectura y Diseño (Superior Institute of Architecture and Design), Chihuahua City, Mexico, February 27 & 28, 2009.
Invited Critique to the University of Notre Dame Design Architecture Studio, Spring 2011, Flour Mill Rehabilitation Project, Bernalillo, NM.
Santa Fe Art Institute Design Workshop, Santa Fe, NM (Co-instructor for a 4 week intensive design studio and design build project for high school students), Summer 2014.
Collaboration in the article, "Sobre la Recuperacion de la Tradicion Arquitectonica Religiosa en Nuevo Mexico, E. U." El Trabajo de Cornerstones, Renata Schneider, Imprimatura Revista de Restauracion, Number 14, Mexico City, November 1996
Adobe Architecture Conservation Handbook, First Edition July 1998 by Cornerstones Community Partnerships, Santa Fe, NM.
"International Council on Monuments and Sites, U.S. Committee (US/ICOMOS)" newsletter no 4, 2002. SICRAT. Conserving Earthen Architectural Heritage, co-authored with Dr. Luis Fernando Guerrero Baca.
"Cal y Tierra, Introduction to Lime Plaster on Earthen Structures," 30 minute video, March 2003 by Cornerstones Community Partnerships, Santa Fe, NM. Narrator and script writer.
"Interpretación del Patrimonio Tradicional Construido en Tierra," como Factor de Desarollo, Boletín Gestión Cultural (GC), June 2004, Bulletin No. 8, ISSN; 1697-073x), co-authored with Dr. Luis Fernando Guerrero Baca.
"Tierra de Frotera," Anuario de Estudios de Arquitectura, historia, crítica, conservación, 2004. co-authored with Dr. Luis Fernando Guerrero Baca.
"Procesos de Conservación Tradicional del Patrimonio Construido en Tierra," Terra Em Seminário, IV Seminário Ibero-Americano de Construção com Terra (III Seminário Arquitecutura de Terre em Portugal), ISBN; 972-8479-37-9, 1st Edition, October, 2005. Co-authored with Dr. Luis Fernando Guerrero Baca.
Adobe Conservation: A Preservation Handbook, Co-author with Cornerstones staff and illustrator, Sunstone Press, Santa Fe, NM, August, 2006
"Arquitectura de Tierra en Nuevo México, Participación Comunitaria Yuxtapuesta por una Arquitectura de Alto Costo," Seminario Iberoamericano de Arquitectura y Construcción con Tierra, 15o SIACOT, November, 2015. Co-authored with Efthimios Maniatis.
Latin American Institute at The University of New Mexico Scholarship to attend summer semester for the study of architecture and art at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, UNAM, Mexico City, June 1990
Santa Fe Historic Foundation Scholarship to attend the Pan American Course on the Conservation and Management of Earthen Architecture and Archeological Heritage, Trujillo, Perú, 1996
National Trust for Historic Preservation Scholarship to attend conference in Los Angeles, CA, October 2000
US Speaker and Specialist Grant to lecture on “Conservation of Earth Structures”, U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of International Information Programs, Perú, November 15-19, 2007
Member of the Gamma Lambda Chapter of the Tau Sigma Delta National Honor Society for outstanding academic performance at the School of Architecture and Planning, University of New Mexico, September 23, 2008
Alpha Rho Chi Award, Architecture Program, School of Architecture and Planning, University of New Mexico, September 11, 2009
New Mexico Heritage Scholarship, School of Architecture and Planning, University of New Mexico, September 11, 2009
Graduated with Distinction, Masters of Architecture, Bronze Medal for community service