Roger L. Schluntz
Professor Emeritus
- M. Architecture (post-professional), University of California - Berkeley
- Bachelor of Architecture, University of Nebraska (Lincoln)
- International Design Competitions Task Force
- International Union of Architects (UIA) Scientific Committee
- Masterplan for UNM West
- National Park Service - Rocky Mountain Region
- Master Planning for City Centre, City of Rio Rancho
Throughout his career Prof. Roger Schluntz has provided critical leadership to the academy and the profession in advancing architectural education – through a combination of teaching, scholarship, advocacy, civic activism, and mentorship. He has a multi-faceted record of “making things happen.”
Beyond the classroom, his tireless efforts have nurtured a broader context for the achievement of design excellence with universities, public institutions, and governmental agencies. Encouragement, support, and oversight of faculty colleagues and students have provided opportunities for others to excel in demonstrating their own unique capabilities.
Initiatives at four universities - Nebraska, Arizona State, U. of Miami and most recently, New Mexico - have resulted, in each instance, of a formally recognized outreach center capably engaging faculty, students, professionals, and community stakeholders in collaborative urban design and planning studies and charrettes. While a faculty member at the University of Nebraska, a First Honor Award in Urban Design from Progressive Architecture was received for a landmark study of Goodhue’s Nebraska State Capitol and Environs (precinct and region) co-authored by Prof. Schluntz. Subsequently, many of the study recommendations were adopted by the City of Lincoln as well as the State.
These and other efforts have enhance the public understanding of the importance of design while effectively demonstrating the presumption that a school of architecture ought to be a vital, if not indispensable, part of both the university and its community. Schluntz has been a long-recognized voice in underscoring the importance of viable linkages between the profession, firms, agencies, and schools of architecture. He has twice served as a Juror for the national AIA awards program, as well as Progressive Architecture magazine. More recently his service as a juror was requested for the prestigious AIA College of Fellows Latrobe prize and the AIA Upjohn Research awards program.
Parallel with his academic teaching and leadership, for fifteen years the National Endowment for the Arts involved Schluntz in several advisory and professional consulting roles. For over twenty-five years he has also represented the profession and academe as an appointed member of the Peer Review Panel for Design Excellence by the GSA. As one of a select few professional advisers for major design competitions, he has directed over 25 nationally significant competitions, including award-winning, now completed, facilities for schools of architecture at Arizona State University, Florida International University, and, more recently, the University of New Mexico.
At a critical juncture in the history of ACSA, Schluntz served as its Executive Director (1997-1980). During this time-frame the organization became independent of the AIA, undertook its initial Federal grants/contracts (from both the US Department of Energy and National Endowment of the Arts), and received corporate sponsorships for ACSA’s initial student design competitions. An endowment was established to provide continuing financial support for the JAE, this a quarterly publication that Schluntz also served as its Executive Editor. And for the first time, the ACSA Annual Meeting (Savannah, 1980) began its now well established, central activity of refereed papers submitted by faculty members from the US and Canada.
His selection by the ACSA to the Board of Directors of the NAAB followed his service as a visiting team member for over a dozen visits to schools of architecture. Subsequently he undertook the pilot visit to Istanbul Technical University that provided the initial test of the NAAB pilot program for “equivalency accreditation” of programs outside the US. Additionally and more recently, he has served as a visiting team member for the LAAB for accreditation visits to seven landscape architecture programs.
As a tireless advocate for students and their recognition, Prof. Schluntz played a critical role in the expansion and visibility of Tau Sigma Delta National Honor Society. During his recent Presidency, this venerable organization has expanded to now include over 85 chapters at architecture schools across the country.
Of noteworthy consequence are the three “Deans of the Americas” conferences that Schluntz has initiated and co-chaired for administrators from North and South America. These highly successful, hemispheric meetings for academic heads of architecture occurred first in Miami (1994), Panama (2004), and ten years later in Antigua, Guatemala (2014). In the summer of 2016 Prof. Schluntz undertook the organization and co-chairmanship of the “Administrator’s Track” as part of the ACSA International Conference in Santiago, Chile.
ARCH 401 - Architectural Design V (Fall)
ARCH 651- Professional Practice (Fall)
ARCH 662- Architecture Criticism and Journalism (Spring)
ARCH 602- Masters Architectural Design II (Spring)
Moscow, Russia: Invited papers: "Architecture Education in the US;" "Structure of Design Competitions in the United States" (October 11 and 12, 2012; subsequently published in Russian - Professional Journal of Architecture)
Lambda Alpha Int’l: Invited Panelist, LAI National Weekend – Santa Fe; “Tale of Two Cities” October 22, 2010.
University of Nebraska – Lincoln; Invited presentation; National Design Competitions - Case Studies; Sept. 12-14, 2010.
Invited Panelist, National ACSA Conference (Portland, Oregon). Competitions, Design, and Research.” March 2009.
Urban Land Institute and City of Albuquerque: ULI Advisory Panel - briefing book; for the historic Santa Fe Railyard and Locomotive Repair Shops assessment, ULI, 2008
ULI Workshop – Balanced Development in the West; Scottsdale, AZ. Sept. 2008, Invited participant.
Texas Architect magazine; overview and critique of new Microsystems Office/Lab facilities at Sandia National Laboratories, Nov/Dec. 2008 issue.
Invited Panelist, “University as a Civic Partner,” Phoenix, AZ. ASU with the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, February 14-16, 2008
“A New Campus for a New City Center: Crafting Community in the High Desert.” Refereed paper (co-author with T. Laging), ACSA Fall Conference; Ontario, Canada, October 22, 2007
“Design of Public Libraries” (Book Chapter) Competing Globally in Architecture Competitions. Stanley Collyer, editor. 2004
Invited Panelist and Presentation; National AIA Convention, “Design Competitions to Achieve Excellence,” Chicago, Illinois; June 2004.
“Design Competitions…” (Invited Panelist). New York City Chapter, American Institute of Architects, New York; May 24, 1999
“Recommendations for the GSA Design Excellence Program and Peer Review Process” (Invited Panelist). United States GSA Public Buildings Program Annual Meeting, Boston; September 23 & 24, 1998
Defining Civitas: The New Public Architecture Phoenix. Program Chair. National AIA Committee on Design; Annual Symposium, Phoenix and Tempe; March 20-23,1997
“The Capitol Mall through the Decades: A Planning Overview,” and “Principles and Recommendations.” Renaissance of the Capitol District (Proceedings of the Capitol Mall Charrette, Phoenix, Arizona). Arizona State University, Herberger Center for Design Excellence, 1997. pp 15-27; 31-36.
“A Phoenix Reborn: Urban Design Review and the Public Interest.” (Refereed) 18th International Conference on Making Cities Livable. Carmel, California; March 13, 1996
“Good and Bad Manners in Architecture: A Case for Design Review.” University of Nebraska at Lincoln; Hyde Memorial Lecture. Nov. 16, 1995 (Also presented to the Omaha Chapter of the AIA, November 15,1995).
“Schools of Architecture as Progenitors for Sustainable Community and Urban Design.” International Conference on Professional Design Education, sponsored by the Commonwealth Association of Architects; Colombo, Sri Lanka: September 26, 1995
“Community Service and Research: Direction in U.S. Schools of Architecture.” Department of Architecture, the Chinese University in Hong Kong: September 18, 1995
"Directions in Architectural Design Education." Sarasota Design Conference/AIA Florida Gulf Coast, Invited Panelist & Presentation: July 16, 1994
"Architecture on Campus." Invited Panelist. ACSA Northeast Regional Meeting; Annapolis, Maryland; October 30, 1993
Preparation of Rules, Procedures, and Jury Selection for the professional Design Competition conducted for the new facility for the School of Architecture and Planning (won by A. Predock/J. Anderson) and oversight of the schematic design options. Fund-raising (private sector) for Pearl Hall - approx. $2.4 million). Championed the preferred, alternative site on the Cornell Mall, and with that the initiative that led to the funding and construction of the Cornell Parking Structure. Secured approval for additional funding for the new Fine Arts and Design Library, providing and additional, although un-programmed, 27,000 SF of space in Pearl Hall.
Successful initiative in receiving Regent’s approval for differential tuition for the SA+P - providing continuous funding for three staff positions: IT, Sr. Academic Advisor, Fabrications Lab).
Initiated and advanced the proposals through the system for both the MLA degree program and the Graduate Certificate in Historic Preservation and Regionalism.
Chair, Dean’s Searches, for Law, Fine Arts, ASM.
Advisory service (12-month part-time appointment) to UNM Vice President for Business Affairs and the STC, conducting initial evaluation and studies in conjunction with Perkins + Will for the Innovate ABQ development.
Shadow student Juries, organization with AIA WMR and AIA NM and AIA WMR for Design Awards Programs.
Advisor, Tau Sigma Delta National Honor Society –UNM Chapter.
Chair, Appointed Task Force, consideration for a future Honors College at UNM (recommendations led to Faculty Senate and Regents Approval).
Professor of Practice – initial proposal and two year lobbying with the Faculty Senate for approval.
Urban Land Institute (ULI), New Mexico District Council, Steering Committee member (University of New Mexico Academic Liaison); 2013-present.
Peer Reviewer/Design and Construction, US GSA (1992-Present)
Fellow, American Institute of Architects, College of Fellows
ACSA Distinguished Professor
2016Distinguished Service Award, AIA Albuquerque
2014Appointed Member, Scientific/Planning Committee, UIA 2014 World Congress, held in Durban, South Africa
2011 Alumni Master Medal, awarded by the University of Nebraska - Lincoln
2006 New Mexico Governor’s Task Force for Livable Communities, Appointed Member
2005“Top 30 Influential Educators in the United States,” -selected by Design Intelligence magazine (“America’s Best Architecture and Design Schools”)
1994-PresentAppointed Member; National Register of Peer Professionals; US Government Services Administration (GSA), Public Buildings Service.
1997AIA Miami, Education Leadership Award (“For notable and extended achievement, leadership and research in education.”)
1996College of Fellows, American Institute of Architects; investiture at the National AIA Convention, Minneapolis
1996Distinguished Alumni Award, University of Nebraska College of Architecture (Lincoln)
1994 President's Award, Miami Chapter of the American Institute of Architects. ("For efforts toward improving architecture by bringing together academics and the profession through joint programs between the university and the AIA.")
1992President's Award, Architecture Guild of Arizona State (for outstanding service and contributions in enhancing the quality of design)
1992 Certificate of Commendation, College of Architecture and Environmental Design, Arizona State University. ("Outstanding service as Director of the School of Architecture from 1980 to 1989 and as founding Director of Joint ASU/City of Phoenix Urban Design Program.”)
1992Phoenix Futures Forum, Vision 2015 Recognition Award. (Presented to the ASU Joint Urban Design Program for contributions toward achieving the goals of the City.)
1991Alpha Lambda International (Honorary Land Economics Society), Membership Conferred.
1989Invited Faculty, National Mayor's Institute on City Design. National Endowment for the Arts (October 22-24). University of Virginia.
1984Juror, Progressive Architecture magazine, 31st Annual Design Awards Program, New York.
1984“Outstanding Service to the Profession,” President’s Award. Central Arizona Chapter, American Institute of Architects.