Mark Childs Joins Editorial Board at the Journal of Urban Design
January 9, 2014

The fall 2013 Arch 601 studio competed in the Post-Quake Visions Competition, the second of the Young Architects Competitions. The team placed as finalists competing with 190 teams from over 60 countr…
Each year the AIA recognizes distinguished architectural achievement by New Mexico architects. A number of the 2013 awards went to UNM SA•P alumni. Congratulations to the following recipien…
Distinguished Professor and Regents' Professor Theodore "Ted" Jojola, UNM School of Architecture and Planning; and Raices Collective, a KUNM volunteer group, are to be honored at the 29th Cr…
Distinguished Professor and Regents' Professor Theodore "Ted" Jojola, UNM School of Architecture and Planning; and Raices Collective, a KUNM volunteer group, are to be honored at the 29th Cr…
The competition, which was created by Dr. Kaye Brown with support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, challenged students to generate new ideas for renovating a single-family building in order to…
When you think of Albuquerque, chances are you're thinking of one of two things: hot air balloons or Breaking Bad. But if Jared and Laurie Tarbell have their way, the biggest city in New Mexico will s…
Some may call it urban sprawl; others, urban development. But in Albuquerque there is a particular concept at the root of the growth of the city: social inclusion in community development.
Read the fu…
Congratulations LA 505 students and Katya Crawford, Assistant Professor, Landscape Architecture Program!
Landscape Architecture - LA 505 - student team Fang Ding, Carly Piccarello and Jennifer Sandova…
SANTA FE – The is now accepting s…
UNM School of Architecture & Planning education program picks up 'STEAM'
In education circles, the talk is about “STEM,” or science, technology, engineering and mathematics. To Anne Taylor…
2024 On the Brinck Book Award + Lecture Winners
January 23, 2025
MoMA Acquires Work of UNM Chair of Architecture Chris Cornelius
November 19, 2024
UNM School of Architecture + Planning & Places Journal Announce Committee of Jurors for “On the Brinck | Places Prize”
September 30, 2024
UNM School of Architecture + Planning Presents Brett Milligan with Distinguished Alumni Honors
September 19, 2024
UNM School of Architecture + Planning Welcomes New & Returning Faculty Members
August 23, 2024