UNM School of Architecture & Planning Collaborates with Places Journal for Inaugural “On the Brinck | Places Prize” Submit proposals by August 30

July 11, 2024

In a first-of-its-kind collaboration for the University of New Mexico (UNM) School of Architecture & Planning (SA+P), the school is partnering with Places Journal to establish the “On the Brinck | Places Prize,” supporting innovative and ambitious public scholarship on the American Southwest.

SA+P’s On the Brinck initiative honors the legacy of John Brinckerhoff Jackson, a prolific writer and influential figure in the development of the field of cultural landscape studies, merging analysis of natural, built, and human landscapes. On the Brinck’s existing programs recognize authors who contribute new knowledge and perspectives to the fields of architecture, landscape architecture, planning, and urban design. Places Journal features original scholarship and journalism addressing critical issues in these disciplines, with writers, designers, and artists “responding to the profound challenges of our time: environmental health and social inequity, climate change, resource scarcity, human migration, rapid technological innovation, and the erosion of the public sphere.”

“Given the common values shared by our School of Architecture and Planning and Places Journal, our collaboration to establish a scholarship project acknowledging new and overlooked areas of study and challenging existing scholarships is a fitting tribute to J.B. Jackson’s legacy,” stated Dean of the UNM SA+P Robert Gonzalez. “We’re pleased to work with the highly esteemed Places Journal to recognize scholars whose work furthers these laudable goals.”

The winner of the On the Brinck | Places Prize will receive an honorarium of $7,500 to research and write a major work of public scholarship for publication in Places Journal, and to present a related public lecture at the SA+P at UNM. The prize is open to institutionally-based and independent scholars, and applications will be accepted through August 30, 2024 at 5 PM PT.

To review the criteria and learn more about the award opportunity, visit the Places Journal website.

jb jackson